i am also working for the same goal

                Hello everybody,
          Since 1989, the year i got my baccalaureate degree, and even before ... i was thinking about new ways and new ideas, to invent a new engine to get all the energy we want without using classic gas or oil or anything else like we all do actually ... that was really a dream for me ... i thought always about it and i knew that it's all possible and even it's surely easy ...
              All great brains of our planet know this but they don't say it ... for the simple reason that the laws of physics they believe in don't accept such invention or such work ... also the political systems don't need any big change in our economical world today ... because they prefer to avoid it than change or add some new steps in science ans at all the knowledge we all believe in ... 
          I think that i make a good step since many years now like many others searchers who try to develop new ideas that can give us all that new universal energy for free ... 

Here is an interesting article from this site : 

Another "free energy" crazy surfaces, promises solution to all world ills by June 20th

See that scary man? That there is Archer Quinn, self-proclaimed savior of mankind. He's prepping a free energy device that he plans to unveil on June 20th of this year, on which date he predicts "the oil reign and those who governed by their money and crushed the people by the taxes and control of the most basic of needs shall be put down for all time." Yeah, pretty wild stuff. And if that wasn't enough, he's decided to nickname his gravity-based device the "Sword of God." His prior experience involves some sort of "thermal accelerator" (pictured) and a myriad of other inventions, so he doesn't seem to think breaking Newton's laws should be much of a problem. Guess it won't take long to find out. This should be a fun one.
         that's also a new way of producing the true free energy this was about his way ... mine is more different because it have 3 engines for the same invention using springs with differents stiffness and differents resistances, or permanents magnets, or also an hydraulic mechanism ...  all this 3 engines are similar and have the same idea but each one have his different ingredients to produce true and real free energy for years, from 5 at even 20 years or more depending of the quality of fabrication and construction of each engine ... i will get more details about this as soon as possible ... 
now look at this ways and ideas ... they are also all different and great try to get the same goal ... ;)

my own engine or motor will come soon for sure then wait for it if you can or you want ;)


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