Easy Energy Audits


           DID YOU KNOW?
diy easy energy audits
... A "Do It Yourself Energy Audit" is FREE, and can
give you BETTER Results than using a Professional.

... It Only Takes 1 Hour (using Common Tools found
around the house) to Perform a Basic Energy Audit
that will show you the Largest Energy Wasters.

... There is a Step-by-Step guide showing you
how to perform your own Home Energy Audit
Wid you know that most Residential Home Energy Audits cost between a few hundred dollars to $300 or even more? And that the home energy audit industry is booming! People are paying a lot of money to have someone tell them where their house is wasting money.
as seen on TV
As if the $300+ cost isn't enough, these so called "professionals" are usually just wanting to sell you expensive home improvements. They package this as a benefit to you in using their services, but it is really just a well planned out "sales pitch" to get you to buy new windows, doors, insulation, HVAC or other expensive improvements.
In most cases these expensive fixes save you minimal money and the time to recapture your investment is 10 or more years. This is crazy!  As a homeowner who is trying to save money, you should be focusing on the improvements that will give you the biggest bank for the buck.  Don't get me wrong, if you need a new furnace, then get one. But you should look at all of the energy audit results and decide which improvements are going to give you the best return on your investment.

energy audit customer

I guess it kind of makes sense. The professional energy auditor isn't going to make his commission if he convinces you to put caulking on an old window.  And since most of his profit comes from the "other services" he can offer to sell you, it doesn't make sense for him to suggest cheap and easy fixes to your home.
Most Energy Auditors

Are Just Salespeople 
Trying to Upsell You On
Expensive Upgrades

Like any profession there are Bad Apples in the crowd. The Energy Audit/Consultant field is no different.  Don't get me wrong, there are some real stand up people out there doing great work.  If you get the right energy audit consultant they can be worth their weight in gold. 

But many energy consultants care more about increasing their commissions and less about helping you with your end goal.  Your goal is probably to cut your energy costs while creating a more comfortable home environment. 



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